Printing Techniques
This project showcases different printing techniques that graphic designers might utilize during their careers. I made these flashcards for my visual production class as an undergraduate student. I designed this information in flashcards because of the organization of information that flashcards usually have. The purpose of these cards is to provide anyone with information on what printing method is ideal for commercial printing. Each card includes an illustration and a description of what each technique is commonly used for and how it would be applied.
Throughout my process, I experimented with different typefaces and realized that a sans serif typeface worked better to give my cards a machine feel. I also debated if my cards should have rounded edges or straight edges. While a straight edge would have suited the machine aesthetic better, I made them round to resemble flashcards that could be used throughout production.
During my research, I looked at different flashcards and even game cards. My main research objective was to see how information is organized in these cards. I also realized that cards have a unified look throughout every card, like a visual identity to a certain extent. An example is Bicycle playing cards and how they treat every card similarly.
Layout Design
Individual Undergraduate Project
Adobe Illustrator